Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It's Not JUST Sex.

Remember the time when sex was used to seal a marriage? Remember when it was only for that honeymoon night and the days that followed?

That's right lovelies, we are talking about sex today.

As a 18 year old female, I have to say that I see sex EVERYWHERE. I have been told for the past few years that it's just something you do when you love someone, when you've been with the same person for awhile. When it's the right person.

Once upon a time parents in TV shows weren't shown in the bedroom because it implied the concept of sexual acts, but now it's in just about every show. Sex scenes, sex scandals, drunk sex mistakes. It's rare for me to find a young adult novel that doesn't have a sex implication within it.

The most recent example of this was in the last book within a series that I've read since 8th grade. I love the series and it is a very clean series, but in this last novel the characters slept together--it didn't 'show' it, but you knew it. What struck me as the off note though was the fact the characters were younger than me. and I'm young.

Guys, it's not JUST sex.

God created sex as a beautiful moment for marriage, it was his wedding gift to us. Being in a relationship is enough to form emotional bonds that you may never let go of--but sex just intensifies that. To be with someone in such a physical and passionate way results in parts of yourself being left behind with them. Kind of like ducktape. Put two pieces of that tape together, and then pull them apart, and neither are the pieces that they originally were--parts of the other are suck with them.

So yes, hate me if you want, but I stand by my firm belief that sex is something to be in marriage and marriage only.

Recently my mom compared sex to a Christmas present. That present is no to be peeked at, shaken, or touched until Christmas morning--otherwise the gift and the surprise is ruined.

I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, because that is your choice alone, but ill say that before committing THE act, think.

Think about your future husband and whether or not it would cause problems.
Think about the emotional commitment that comes from it.
And more importantly, Think about yourself. You owe yourself the respect of your body in the knowledge that you are special and you are a daughter of Christ.

I don't care if he loves you. I don't care if you love him. The greatest respect, and the greatest gift, is the fact that he would wait for you. Now that is commitment.

So yes, I went there.

Have a wonderful day everyone, love you all.

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