Tuesday, September 16, 2014

If Only I Knew

I would like to start off by saying that I post things when I have something laid on my heart, not when I'm on a schedule. But with that said, I thought I'd just take a few minutes to talk about relationships or more importantly, God's hand in relationships.

Everyone wants to be loved and no one necessarily wants to be alone. We have young teenagers entering the 'dating' world at sixth grade; but why? It isn't as if these kids are searching for their future husband, but instead they've been raised in a society where dating is the norm. So we date, and we date, and we get our hearts broken countless times--or we are just stuck in a bad relationship with the wrong people. Yet it recently became very clear to me that every person that enters my life is part of God's plan. Or more specifically, I'd like to take a personal example when it comes to my best friend, and boyfriend, Alec.

My childhood friend had just joined band in desperation to keep up with her, I flew into it too. Ironically enough, about a week after I had gotten in, she had dropped out. Regardless, it was in that 6th grade band class that I met Alec. And sure, I grew a little girl crush on the guy as we goofed around and quietly whispered back and forth to one another for the entire year, but never did I think it would develop into something much greater. 
(It is now that I'd like to make a comment saying that if I could thank Emily for one thing--given that we weren't friends much longer after that year--it would be that because of her I joined band. A place where I really found my rooting and made friends. To me, that's God. Putting people in your life to take you certain places) 

Back to my story though, entering 7th grade and 8th grade Alec was always in the picture as I moved through classes, and we even tried to 'date' once (That is until he had a crush on my best friend and of course, I couldn't have that). But in the end we drifted into highschool two different people who really didn't talk all that much. That isn't to say that we didn't talk at all, in fact he was always that one person that no matter how desperately I was trying to hold in some emotion, he'd always manage to string it out of me with one look of his blue eyes. I never knew why. 

My sophomore year I got into a relationship with another guy and to make things short, I dated him for nearly two years. It was a learning experience being in that relationship but it was nowhere near perfect either. Point of mentioning it though is the fact that every time he'd see me talking to Alec or he had just talked to Alec (because they were 'kinda-sorta' friends) he'd come to me and get irritated saying 'He likes you, you know he does.' and my response would always be the same 'Alec? No. I don't like Alec and I won't ever. No.' To say the least, we know where this story is headed. 

I broke up with him in the summer and at the start of Senior year, I had started talking to Alec.  We'd text everyday, all day, and within that month we had started dating. I'm not even sure how we got there. So here I am, here we are, a year later and I couldn't feel any happier. For four years Alec was that guy in the background who I'd always notice, who I could always talk to, and who always cared about what was happening with me. I know without a doubt that God weaved him through my path--whether or not that is for the long run or if he is just in this moment, well that is for God to know and for me to live. But I know he is meant to be here. I know this is healthy. and I know this is a Godly relationship in ways that I never had before. 

Alec is my bestfriend. 

So don't worry about when and where that perfect person will come into your life. I've heard some crazy stories about how others have found their match, because when it comes down to it there is someone that God had placed aside for you should you follow his path. There is a reason that we are supposed to wait for marriage, because there will be people along the road that you just aren't meant to be with. 

So there's my spew about my love life, and this is not being written only to you but also to God. Because I thank him everyday for Alec. I really do. 

Have a wonderful day and check back here later this week for more! 

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